- The state or quality of being modest.
- Reserve or propriety in speech, dress, or behavior.
- Lack of pretentiousness; simplicity.
Antonyms: arrogance, boldness, braveness, conceit, courage, ego, flamboyance, immodesty, pride, self-confidence
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So with that, I will give you an overview of my recent activities and tell a story of something that happened today. Hopefully then you (and I) will understand WHY that is the first thing I am blogging today.
Start Friday.
Come home from backshift and sleep, then wake up and go pick up a large food order from the TRA wholesales, and some meat from Atlantic Meats. Weird, no? I did that because I volunteer with a youth group called Challenge. It's a religious/spirtitual retreat for teens, I went when I was 15 and got a lot out of it so this is my way of giving back. I'm the "kitchen supply" person, I don't foot the bill, but I make sure they get everything they need then have someone else handle the payment part! (if only life were like that!) Anyway, I did my charitable work which I roped boyfriend into helping me with. (Thanks Kyle!) Then next I headed to my friend Lyns house for some girl time... sleepover styles! It was super fun, we had some wine ( but only a little bit ;) !) and stayed up until about 330 in the morning. Then we crashed, thats the only way we would have stopped talking.
Start Saturday:
815 am. Little 2 year old (almost 3!) Lachlan wakes up. We kicked around in our jammies for a little while. listened to a beatles record. The funny part, I'm pretty sure it was on at Lachies request! ... the start of the music was followed by "this is the beatles.... maybe a little louder?". That statment was almost as cute as watching him form a decent tree pose and downward dog after rolling out 2 "YOGA MATS!!!" one for me, and one for him. Then we had breakfast and headed to the farmers market #1
Here I purchased some fair trade organic coffee for $9.00 ( $0.99 cheaper than in the organic section at Sobeys!) It is called "breaking the silence". Check out this link as well. It's a great coffee, and a great cause. Go to the link and scroll down until you see the discription for breaking the silence coffee. It's in the Dark Roast section. There is a link to an article there, if you drink coffee (I know most of you do) have a little look. I also bought some honey, made right here in the Cape by our hard working honey bees from our lovely CB flowers, with the help of the honey man to get it to the market! It's the best honey ever, it was $5.00. And I got strawberry-rhubarb jam, because it's my fave :). Then we drove around until Lachie fell asleep, then hit up farmers market #2. But... hold-the-phone! On the way out the door to farmers market two I had a childlike experience! Lyn's dog, Mia, escaped! I chased her down, almost got her, missed but made a leap and a slide, skinned my knee like a 10 year old and ripped my pants, but got the GD dog. THEN we went to the market. Where I had some coffee, and a cookie ( I know, not P90X approved but it was offered to me, and I could NOT be rude.) After that I came home to my boyfriend who I abandoned the evening before! I like to think I spent a very simple and modest Saturday.
Start Sunday:
I had more volunteer work to be done, and was otherwise boring. Drove in my car and chilled with boyfriend again. That's sort of our usual thing to do.
Start Monday: (The day I encountered my "antonym")
Based my blog topics and the title of my blog you can probably start to put together by now, I'm a relatively modest/simple person. These are my most important self-perceived qualities. Because of this, I cannot tolerate those who lack modesty and simplicity in their way of being, therefore, I suppose that makes them (at least in a way) my antonym. I encounted a person like this today at the gym. Now, call me a prude, but WHY ARE PEOPLE NAKED?! Look people, I hate when you're naked body, breasts exposed, stares me down as I turn the corner of the lockerroom. I've lost 12 pounds, I look damn good, you will not catch me running around naked in the lockerroom. Yeah, we're all women...which is precisely why none of us wants to see your tits!!! Sorry for the word choice, but I just think it was the most appropriate word to get my point across right now. Show some MODESTY, it's that SIMPLE. That may have been the gym, but there are people all over this modest little island with big pocket books, fancy cars/hummers and bluetooths in their ears pretending they're more important than the simple folk. I wonder how happy they are when its later than 10pm and they're "bored" because they have nowhere to spend that money that gives their life meaning. I can stare out my window with a cup of tea or coffee and look at the wind in the trees, the stars in the sky or the clouds floating in the air and be just as content as could be. Not those people, they don't see or appreciate modest things. They dont realize the significance of the god given gift of simplicity. Some may argue that because I'm modest, I must be poor and/or dull (Otherwise I would be pretentious too). WRONG. I have money for anything I need, and I'm rich in other ways. I also have a busy life full of love and fun. When you read that it kind of makes you wonder, who's poor and dull now? Remember those antonyms to modesty? ...arrogance, boldness, braveness, conceit, courage, ego, flamboyance, immodesty, pride, self-confidence. There are only select times to be some of those things, a few of those things you never want to be. Simple and modest is always a good choice. Even in times where you must have pride and braveness, you must accept that you are only one contributing factor to any situation. Always acknowledge the contributions of others, and respect how your decisions will effect other people. Whether that decision is talking obnoxiously on your bluetooth in public, or to cover up in the public locker room, or something more significant try to consider it's impact on others. Clear as mud?
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