So, where to begin? I have done much in the past few months. In total, I lost about 30lbs. I completed P90X (and yes, I mean the nutrition plan too). I started running, a task I could not have thought realistic a year ago. I've learned to run and have participated in a few local road races. My first was the fiddlers fun run in June, not bad for my
first 5km road race. My next was a 5km in Englishtown. The next race was the fiddlers run in September, where I completed a 10km road race, official time 1hour 7mins 42seconds. So, that's been my spare time.
Now, other than running, and being busy volunteering with the challenge movement... and of course, working, I don't do much. All of the above take a lot of my time, and that leaves me with very little me time. This weekend, however, I got lots of R & R. We went to Ingonish. Since July... oh yeah, we moved in July, that happened too... Kyle got a job at the Delta, another major bonus for us... I guess things have been lookin' up... but he works usually about 5-6 days a week. So as I was saying, Since July our days off haven't coordinated much and we haven't had much time together. This weekend we went away, and with snow in the highlands, and cozy fire inside, there was no point in going out to do anything besides look at the remaining orange and yellow leaves and buy too much fire wood. It was a great weekend, we met kyles brothers new girlfriend, which was a total success. Great times were had by all, at least in my opinion.
Tomorrow is reality time. After being off for 6 days, and enjoying most of them in the calmest of places it's back to work tomorrow. Not as bad considering I feel totally rejuvenated following our weekend retreat to the hills of the Cabot Trail. How lucky are we? To be living 2-3 hours away from the most amazing views you can dream of. Too lucky, when you think of how very little we appreciate our beautiful Cape Breton home. Something about the mountains, or hills, whatever, makes you feel small. It makes you truly appreciate the amazing power of nature. Anyway, end rant. As blogs go, mine tend to be rants and rambles. Jumbles of fleeting thoughts. Whether that's good or bad I am not certain, however I do know, I just blogged again. For the first time, in more than 8 months. Hoping to do this more often. I will include some links to some photos I took on the weekend in Ingonish for your viewing pleasure. I am NOT a photographer, but my iPhone is pretty cool at taking pictures.