It seems I will now only blog on my iPhone. since I always seem to be able to actually compose posts on it consistently. I kind of dislike blogging with my touch screen as its too easy to make mistakes. Touch screen is great for communicating quick messages, which don't lose all meaning with letters thrown in here and there, or the oddly place accidental punctuation. Dammit blogger, I'm glad I didn't wait for the successfull posting of lastnights blog before glass of wine #3.
This morning, at 530am, before the sun even knew it was morning, I was ripped from the warm embrace of sleep and thrown into the middle of the worst kind of torture... the early morning -- the way, way, to early morning. My dog was barking, which normally only happens if she wants outside. Barking at the neighbor from the apartment upstairs. He was, ever so gently, ramming his car forward and backward into the snowbanks in front and back of his car. The shovelling prior to this was bad enough, for getting the dog barking and keeping me awake in the first place. However, this slippery,orange kia induced, skidding, snowbank smashing, specticle was just about enough to make the most hardcore human-being cry at 530am. And, to make it worse, tomorrow I go back to work and will as a result be forced to face early am torture for the next 2 days. I couldn't get back to sleep after I woke up. Kyle has a cold, so his sick breathing was keeping me up. It's not his fault, he miserable, and so I came to sleep on the loveseat. Just at that time the 18month old above me started running around above me. So I tried to listen to music and sleep, which disnt work but it was relaxing. I waited for kyle to get up, we had our traditional spat and I drove him to work. Dammit everything.
Speaking of the love of my life (dispite everything that's true), it's his break time, I'm visiting at 330! On that note, bye for now!
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