Saturday, February 5, 2011

     This is the first entry, in my first blog.  Admittedly, a friend had the idea to create a blog, which I started to follow (just yesterday), and I was inspired to give it a try myself.  This is a stage in my life where I intend to say yes, and worry less. I want to let go of limitations I have placed on myself and live life more freely. Ideally, a time for tremendous growth. So, with all the changes I've started making, and those I intend to make, I decided Yvonne may be on to something.  My own blog; a good idea. I have no goal in particular in mind. I have no target blog audience. All I know, is that other people seem to blog for many reasons. Some bloggers may make entries to find fulfillment of some sort, or entertainment or to socialize, or even to share their knowledge or opinion on something. Or like Yvonne, to hopefully get on Ellen! ...which is not an unlikely, idea by the way. When you consider movies like "Bridget Jone's Diary", or "Julie and Julia". All I can hope, is that my blog gives someone simple joy, or humor, or something...even if that someone is me. If ones persons trash is another persons treasure, I guess there is a chance my blogging can be good for something.


  1. I love your blog already. Keep it up!
    PS I appreciate the shout out for being your inspiration to start blogging ;)

  2. Well, no problem... it is just the truth after-all. If I didn't give you the shout out, we all still would have known I copied from you!
