Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Work Day Like Every Other "Boring" Work Day...

     Sunday, February 6th 2011. 6:00 am. My alarm went off. I hit snooze. 9 minutes later, I hit snooze again. Another 9 minutes later again, big stretch and...snooze... But, this time I got up anyway (after much debate about NOT getting out of bed). And, trust me, I only got up because I absolutely had to. While one of my recent "lifestyle changes" is to get up early, usually around 7:00 or 8:00 am, I enjoy getting up and staying in my PJ's leisurely making tea and toast. Not getting up, ripped from the grasp of my dreams by Scott Boyd on the radio of my alarm clock just to hear him say the one thing no one wants to hear when your 30 minutes from going outside " of snow". I looked outside, and instantly the thought came to my mind " %&*$ !!!"... yep. I had already cursed, at 618 am. Great start. Eventually that bad habit of cursing might make it onto the list of things to change, but you have to crawl before you walk, right?
    Anyway, I got ready for work, cleared too much snow from my car, and began my drive to work. At very best, traveling to work is usually a daunting 25 minute drive. Today, that same drive took closer to 45 minutes, without coffee (because now I'm running late), over snow covered highway.  From all angels there are nervous people who are to anxious to be driving doing so and jeopardizing my life. Then, finally, I got to work, safe and sound and not exactly on time, but alive and content enough to be there after having many days off.  Work happens, just like other, ummm... less pleasant things in life; just deal with it. That's what I tell myself about work. And really, by the time I get to work the worst part of going to work is over. The morning rush and the get-up-and-go part of the day is done. Now I'm safe and warm inside... for 12 hours.      
     I see happiness and sadness in my work, I learn a lot, sometimes I'm exhausted, other times I'm exhilarated. It's all what you make it. Ultimately, something throughout the day makes me appreciate where I am and all that I have. Pretty heavy stuff at times. So, naturally, I use my drive home to unwind. I clear my mind as part of  my ritual of leaving my work behind me when I come home. You can't take it home, the stuff will put you over the edge if you carry it with you.
     On this particular day on my drive home, as I drove past an accident on the opposite side of the highway, I was happy to be driving home to my family after my "boring" day at work (In my line of work, boring is synonymous with being able to drink coffee, eat your lunch, and last, and most important, do your work well.) Now that I've spent the majority of my evening blogging, I think its time I go relax before bed. I have to do this all again in the morning, I hope it doesn't snow this time.

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